There are so many silent auctions and giveaways at various functions anymore, that donating an item to have raffled off or auctioned off is a great way to get exposure in the local bulletin or local paper.
Many cities have dinners that are fund raisers ideas for silent auction and usually they have a drawing or giveaways at these elaborate events. This is a great opportunity to get ones name in the paper, or in some cases it’s a great way to advertise. On many occasions these gatherings also have silent auctions.
In donating for such an occasion, one could choose a large gourmet gift basket. These baskets are big, and filled with items like: toffee, caramels, cookies, cherry Sours, pound cake, different flavored candies, pretzels, caramel corn, fudge popcorn, sour balls, brownies, and cider. A basket that is filled with all these items is sure to have the bidders for a silent auction bid real high, as this item is chock full of goodies.
In some cases the planners of said events have limits as to how much of a gift to donate. Then one would choose a smaller gift. The smaller gourmet baskets have a vast array of food items and would not disappoint the recipients.
Some events are not centered on food. Some events are more for the health orientated. In a case such as this you could choose a spa basket that is filled with:
Bath loofah ball, floating candles, bath salts sachet, potpourri, soap, body lotion, and body gel.